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Автор Тема: Как <Aupair> в Германию!!!  (Прочитано 12541 раз)
« : 23 Мая 2003, 23:09 »

Программа Аупаир (Aupair) на территории Германии рассчитана максимум на 12 месяцев или меньше и распространяется на лиц женского и мужского пола от 18 до 25 лет. Аупаир (Aupair) приезжают в Германию для изучения немецкого языка. Знания немецкого языка желательны до приезда Aupair в Германию. Необходимо по крайней мере  владение немецким на разговорном уровне. Пребывание за рубежом в качестве Au-Pair - это совместное проживание в принимающей Вас семье, присмотр за детьми. За более подробной информацией обращаться на coolys@mail.ru
« Ответ #1 : 04 Мая 2004, 23:23 »

AUPAIR-Агентство в Германии "Aupair For Kids" предлагает мальчикам и девочкам провести год или полгода как Aupair в Германии или Австрии. Знание немецкого приветствуется! Присылайте ваши анкеты!!!Подробная инфа:www.aupair-for-kids.de
Все услуги нашего агентства бесплатны!
« Ответ #2 : 28 Октября 2005, 09:04 »

Dear family!

   My name is Akmal. I am from Uzbekistan, I live in Samarkand, a sunny city where I was born.    
   I would like to tell you about the tradition of our family and about the customs of our nation.  
   Uzbek families are in general multi-children families where there are lots of children. My family is not an exception. In our family there three children and at present this is multi-children family. And I am very glad that our family is large. My family consists of five person. There are father, mother, sister, brother and I.
   My sister – Ibadova Durdona she is married. She has got three children, two girl and boy. They are live next door and so they are often visiting in our house. Girls always asked me to help her to do homework and I am helping her.
   My brother Jahongir he is married. They are lives with us.
   My character: (sweet temper) I love children and I always tried to organize my work and my free time to be with the children.
   We are live in Mahalla, where all know each other, friendly families meeting often. In every mahalla live by 2-3 families. Newly weds (newly married) often live with his parents. And so in every house have by 4-5 children
   So in families living near with us more than 30 children from 1 to 12 year old.
   My sister nurse, brother choose profession Information Technologies and I decided to become a teacher a long time ago like my father and grandfather.
   My grandfather had been teacher (geography). He is a lot of travel. And he to tell me a lot of about cities, nation of world. And so I used to interesting see this world with my own eye when I was child. Why? It is necessary to learn foreign language.
   In last year I learned language in the language center. There often guest from country Europe, from America. When I speak with him I am understand that it is insufficient that what I know.
It is necessary where speak only in foreign language. And I found program “Au-pair”
I chose Austria not occasionally because I know English and German I’ve just start and I would like to learn German now. And Austria is a country where both languages are very important.
When I knew that there was a program called “Au-pair” I was very pleased. This is a good chance to learn language and the world with my own eye.
I could always communicate with children in school, in summer camp, in mahalla and I hope I would be good friends with your children.
I am sure that if you choose me older brother your child you won’t be sorry because I’ll try to do everything possible to make your child happy and I’ll be a good friend to him or her.

Yours sincerely
Akmal Ibadov
« Ответ #3 : 20 Сентября 2006, 07:42 »

AUPAIR-germany, #2 >>
меня завут Бурула. знаете к сожеленю мне через три месяца будет 25 лет. мне сказали чтоаупаир в Германию уже поздно, я могу уехать в аупаир в Австрию. какие советы можете мне дать...и чем можете мне помочь...
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